retiring soon

self paced course

🎉 for the first time ever...

you can now buy LLB as a

... for a limited time only!

Our signature course for DFY services providers & coaches, to help you build 6 figure foundations & grow to consistent $5k months.

enroll NOW

a proven roadmap to build a 6 figure online business

as seen in...

as seen in...







luckily, LLB is a one-stop-shop!

You deserve more than the soul sucking 9-5 you may still be stuck in.
But it’s up to you to give yourself the tools to succeed - 

You deserve more than to just “get by” freelancing chasing one client after another.

And so the self doubt, imposter syndrome, and analysis paralysis that comes with "becoming your own boss" now has you bouncing back and forth between "Yes, I can do this," and "What the hell do I do now?"

You too were supposed to be traveling the world and making serious bank by now, but instead you just feel STUCK.

You did everything you were supposed to. You downloaded the freebies, watched the masterclasses, joined the FB groups…but your business still isn’t picking up traction the way you’d hoped. 

It seems like everyone you follow is popping champagne to celebrate their 6-figure years and $10k launches. Meanwhile, you’re treading water and barely keeping afloat.

you feel more lost than ever.

Starting an online business was supposed to be your ticket to freedom, BUT INSTEAD

LLB has the tools to help you make that happen.

YES - I can do this.
YES - I locked in that client.
YES - this is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.
YES - I see my dream life unfolding before my eyes.

It’s time to get out of feast or famine mode and step into the CEO role you were born for.

I want you to feel like a HELL YES.

I promise there is a better way..

Hint hint wink wink

enroll now

Every entrepreneur starts out where you are now–overwhelmed and underpaid. But you don’t have to stay there. 

putting up a metaphorical middle finger to any obstacles in your way and DECIDING you are going to make the necessary changes to build this dream life. 



Staying in the exact same day to day pattern you are in now


What is truly scarier? 

Streamlining your business to work fewer hours and make more money.

Being able to jet set off to Bali or Paris, because you’re the boss and you make your own schedule.

Feeling confident AF when you show up online or raise your prices, because you know the value you deliver.

Having consistent income and a waitlist of clients waiting to work with you.

It might feel risky or scary or like this isn’t the right time, but what if taking that risk were to create:

You’re determined to make your dreams a reality, and you’re ready to do whatever it takes.

At this point, you are done messing around, done with the side-hustle-working-24/7 mode, done dipping your toes in the water of entrepreneurship. 

Aleina went from scattered and freelancing taking a few non-ideal clients here and there to booked out, quitting her 9-5, making over $5k months and replacing her 9-5 salary - all within 30 days of graduating LLB.

Web Designer

Aleina Radovan

Bailey Petrucelli

Functional Medicine Copywriter

Bailey wanted to stay at home with her boys (she even birthed her second while in LLB). Less than a year later she has scaled a six figure business and hit her first $15k month as well as incorporated a course and funnels to start bringing in passive income. She also gets to live her dream of moving to Charleston!

Before Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp even ended, Lily & Lizzie were booking out clients left and right. They even booked TWO clients while they were hiking in Hawaii and made their first $5k month! Now they have a multi-six figure social media agency with a team of 6+! 

Social Media Management Agency

Lily & Lizzie Clark

for both coaches and DFY services providers that takes you through everything from A to Z on how to build 6 figure foundations for your online business and start making consistent $5-10k months.

a one-stop-shop self paced COURSE


NOTE: LLB used to be a live group program so any mentions of live elements or community in testimonials are referring to the retired group program.

see what's included


this is your one-stop-shop ticket to getting your online business "MBA" and finally having the power to create your dream life - and in a word, this is a LIFE CHANGING decision that will spark the path towards your booming business and future freedom-filled life.

But this is more than just a business course - 

Designed exclusively for big visionaries and over-achievers who are tired of feeling lost and overwhelmed and who are willing to go ALL IN on creating this business - no half assing things here.

Fueled by an actionable, step by step roadmap, in-depth knowledge, and plug and play templates to save you hours, you’ll learn how to create a freedom lifestyle and a profitable, passion fueled online business in a matter of a few months.

life-changing success.

Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp is about harnessing your passion and turning it into

show some love

you aren’t here to become another statistic. And we are here to raise the bar and help you navigate the waters of entrepreneurship with ease and power.

But you aren’t most people - 

There are a million moving pieces to tackle and consider in order for you to make this vision a reality.

However, the problem isn’t that it’s too hard or that people don’t try, the problem is that most people don’t take the necessary risks or give themselves the tools, support, and roadmap to succeed. 

building a business isn’t easy. 

You know you were made for more, but I’ll be honest with you,

Only 12% 

of women owned businesses make more than $100k per year 

and only 2% of all entrepreneurs ever reach 7 figures


fail in the first two years



you spend 1/3



Let’s face the facts…

Every other program out there is specifically for “VA’s” or “just coaches” and while you may think that is a pro, it’s not. What you want is a program that gives specific trainings for your type of business (ie a design business or VA business or coaching business) but as long as you can get that specialized information, it’s actually 10x better to learn in a real world, diverse environment - not in an echo chamber. Some of your most impactful learning moments will be from seeing multiple ways of approaching business. 

For coaches AND DFYs


LLB was created by a 7 figure business owner with years of experience and it has been getting proven results for year. Most beginner programs are taught by those only one step ahead of you or by coaches who have never run your type of business. LLB takes years of experience from a million dollar entrepreneur and helps you quantum leap to your next level of success. Plus, LLB has served HUNDREDS of entrepreneurs and become one of the go-to programs with results so amazing, that people can’t stop talking about it.

High Level Expertise + Proven Results


It's nearly impossible to gain momentum when you are trying to piece together random courses, trainings and advice online. Half the battle is just being able to sit down, focus on one thing, and know exactly what to do every day - which is exactly why we made Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp a one-stop-shop course so that it is the ONLY course you need to see success and build everything from A to Z in your online business. Most of our students never bought any courses for a long time after LLB because it simply wasn't needed.

one stop shop


Why LLB is so unique and effective?

enroll NOW

(and in case you haven’t already quit your 9-5 yet, almost everyone who goes through LLB is able to do that ASAP too)

Be able to jet set off to Bali or Paris, because you’re the boss and you make your own schedule 

Feel confident AF selling your offers and standing out online

Book out your services - so much so that you have to start hiring a team ASAP to expand

Build true sustainable business foundations to keep growing

You’ll get everything you need to… 

The Results?



Before Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp even ended, Lily & Lizzie were booking out clients left and right. They even booked TWO clients while they were hiking in Hawaii- talk about Laptop Lifestyle! Now they have made $5k months and are scaling an agency!

press play!

Social Media Strategists

Aleina Radovan

Brand & Web Designer

Molly Nutt


Ruby Tigbayan

Operations Manager & Strategist


Brand Strategist


Social Media Strategist

"I made my investment back x5 within the first few months. The energy is LLB is unreal. Seeing the motivation from all the other business owners in LLB push me every week to keep working and making progress!"

press play!



of hundreds of women taking control of future & creating their dream lives and businesses

it's a global movement

Lima, Peru

Tech Expert



Designer & Photographer


United Kingdom

Fitness Coach


Tel Aviv, Israel

Productivity Coach






Social Media Manager








(PS did we mention you get lifetime access)

Let’s dive into Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp to see what’s inside

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 1

Pricing & Money

week 4


week 3


week 2

Foundations for Success

week 1

You need to walk before you can run - meaning whether you are on Day 1 of business or Year 5, in order to starting build sustainable foundation you must address your mindset, habits, personal brand, niche, offers, pricing and all the areas that build this full picture of who you are, what you’re all about, what you do and why you are the best of the best. Without these pieces, good marketing and sales are impossible.

Week 1-4

Business Foundations

Module breakdown 

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 1

Discovery Calls + Objections

week 8

Sales & Lead Gen

week 7

Email Marketing & Freebies

week 6

Social Media Marketing & Content Planning

week 5

Now that you know your brand, your offers and are feeling confident AF, it’s time to get out there and master the lifeblood of your business: marketing and sales. If you cannot execute these two arenas effectively, you won’t be able to bring in money to keep growing the business. We go in depth on content creation, email marketing, freebies, discovery calls and so much more!

Week 5-8

Master Marketing & Sales

Phase 3

Phase 2

Phase 1

Time Management + Long Term Planning

week 12

Visual Branding

week 11

Client Experience & Onboarding

week 10

Tech & Systems

week 9

Pick your path to now focus on the rest of our resources based on what is most needle moving for you business: from tech & systems, onboarding and client experience, building your own website, or starting to refine your project and time management - you’re main focus it taking action to get clients based on Phase 1 and 2 while you continue building the rest of your foundations.

Week 9+

Backend Elevation

There is a lot to set up and figure out in the beginning with so many options for tech and softwares so we have a mass library of tutorials to help you with anything you are going to need to set up in your business.

Tech Tutorials for all the software and platforms you will need to use

This is the fast track so I am equipping you with every template and swipe file you need to plug and play into your business so you can focus less on the nitty gritty details and more on the fun stuff. This includes welcome packets, leads trackers, email sequences, sales scripts and more!

Resources Library with over 30+ templates and resources

Designed to take you through every step of setting up your online business from A to Z so that you feel confident knowing what you do, who it is for, how to run an online business and make money. Beyond learning, the real magic happens when you take what you learn and apply it to YOU via our workbooks and homework assignments.

15 core modules (with over 100+ lessons)

What’s included

Designed to take you through every step of setting up your online business from A to Z so that you feel confident knowing what you do, who it is for, how to run an online business and make money. Beyond learning, the real magic happens when you take what you learn and apply it to YOU via our workbooks and homework assignments.

15 workbooks with action steps & homework

enroll now

After 5 years of full time travel, I have learned a lot about the best digital nomad locations as well as how to balance your business while traveling + my top insider tips and locations for taking your business on the road

how to travel the world while working online

Get special discount codes for 10-30%+ off certain softwares as well as other products such as legal contracts from Contractista.

discounts on softwares & resources

Learn from lawyer Kailey Jacomet all about setting up your LLC and legal structure, how to utilize contracts to protect yourself, when & how to file trademarks and more! Legal might not be sexy but it is crucial to your business success.

Legal 101 masterclass

We bring in guest experts - who are truly the best of the best at what they do - to speak on a variety of topics. You get access to attend any live trainings while in the program and access to past recordings.

Guest Expert Trainings on Tik Tok, Reels, Balancing a 9-5 and more!

Not sure what path you want to pursue? Need to still fine turn your design or VA skills? Maybe you want to learn what it's like to be an OBM? You get access to our guest expert vault with over 30 masterclasses about their specific field and teach you some skills unique to their type of business AND more importantly give you a BTS look at what it’s like to run these different types of businesses.


You’ll get lifetime access to the program and all these bonuses

And that’s not all…

by lawyer kaily jacomet

Learn from CFO & certified accountant Sarah Young all about business finances, bank accounts, bookkeeping, taxes and more so that you are fully organized and prepared to be on top of your finances & know your numbers.

finances & taxes mini course

by sarah young

Learn from Certified Dubsado Expert, Jess, with step by step tutorial videos about how to set up your Dubsado acocunt, forms, workflows, invoices and more so that you can create a seamless, automated client onboarding experience.

dubsado 101 mini course

by jessica thompson

What types of businesses is LLB for?

“Just do it! It can definitely be scary, but LLB gives you all of the resources you need for life PLUS a community where you can find your lifelong friends! I started making $5k+ months and replaced my 9-5 salary within a month after LLB ended.”

Aleina Radovan


“It's the best investment I've made in myself in my life. I feel so capable and excited about my business, my life and the places I'll be able to travel as well as the people I'm gonna meet. I'm so glad I did LLB!”

Sarah Holmes


Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



Before LLB ended, I made over $4,500 in new clients and made back my investment and then some!

Destinee Roschli


“If you are committed to your business, you can't go wrong with this investment. The course resources are 💯, the coaching is 🔥, and the community is 🥰.I went from no business plan to a booked out business in months, but I would not be able to say that if I wasn't truly ready to take that leap.”

Molly Nutt


Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“A really great, challenging (in the best way) experience. It's very eye opening too about shifting your priorities and taking imperfect action. LLB gives you the tools and information to grow your business in a way that feels aligned with you.” 

Kimi Jevic

Admin VA

“I looked at LLB for 2 years and I am really happy with my decision to join. It’s perfect for when you are stuck, when you want to get to the next level, or when you are building your business.”

Liz Jachimowicz

Admin VA

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“The live coaching calls are worth the money alone - they allow you to apply the knowledge you learn in your own way. The biggest change for me was the confidence and mindset - LLB has changed my perspective on being able to run a successful online business. It’s worth every penny.”

Lisa Brunner


“Baby girl just do it!!!! The longer you wait, the longer you keep yourself from the lifestyle you want. Freebies and DIYs only get you so far. LLB is so jam-packed of information and support that it's a no brainer to join.”

Zuri Broom


Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“The people that go through the program, when they come out it is just higher caliber of entrepreneurship. It’s no wonder that the people who go through the program are able to achieve so much.”

Nicole Malthaner 


“Think what was most impactful for me was the action steps that were laid out - it takes it from being a big picture idea and really breaks it down to here is what you need to do and the road map you need to follow. We now run a full agency making consistent 5 figure months”

Lily & Lizzie Clark


Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



Before LLB I barely had a business idea let alone clients. I didn't even know who my ICA was. And now I am booked out with clients and have discovery calls to book out even further. In my first month in business I made $4,950!!!! I am so thankful for LLB.”

Desiree Corpening

Tech VA

“The amount of expertise, the support, the community, it was absolutely life changing. Thinking about where I am now, compared to where I will be in 6, 8 or 12 months from now because of being in LLB, it was transformative in every possible way.” 

Jess Thompson

Tech VA

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“It was incredibly supportive and opened up so many aspects of running a business that I hadn’t even thought of. As a student, I knew I would learn strategy and actionable steps, but what I wasn’t expecting were the powerful mindset shifts and AMAZING community.”

Ruby Tigbayan


Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“Before LLB, I had honestly opened my LinkedIn and was looking at jobs. I felt like my business wasn't getting anywhere and that maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I have made more money since joining LLB than I did all of 2020 and I've definitely gained more confidence in myself, my business, and how I can help others.”

Kim Fischer

SEO, Ads & Funnels

“I loved having a community of women that always understood what I was struggling with and always there to help guide me along the way. Amanda is an incredible coach. I always walk away with such clarity every single time. I went from $0 to $18k+ months in less than a year!”

Christina Bernhard

SEO, Ads & Funnels

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“Just do it!! It was 100% worth the money and time. It was such a great program, packed full of information to really empower you to build your business. The biggest take away going through it was really cemented my decision to be a business owner and build the brand I envision. To feel like I have all the tools I need.”

Tara Braithwaite

Intentional Living Coach

LLB is the whole package! Amanda gives you the step-by-step process on how to start your business. Like, the real deal! It frickin works! Amanda is a phenomenal coach and I want other women to have the same amazing experience that I am having in LLB. It truly is life changing!

Alyth Kersley

Brand Strategist

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“I would say it has absolutely changed my life and it's hands down worth every penny. You’ll have ALL the resources you need to be a successful business owner no matter where you are at in your journey. Less than a year after LLB, I hit my first $15k month and get to stay home with my kids every day!”

Bailey Petrucelli

Blog/Email Writer

“I am so happy to have invested in the program. There have already been huge changes in my business and I know given time that this is going to be the year I look back on as being the 'groundbreaking' year for me.”

Jackie Daily

Blog/Email Writer

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“Go for it! it is worth every penny. I don't think there's a program out there that provides so much value as LLB. The one thing I will cherish the most is the community and the girls from the group. That has no price!”

Amela Sabic

Podcast Expert

“Stop debating, the program is a no brainer! The modules are so easy and the workbooks are awesome to work on. You'll get support from other small business owners too. The program is a complete step-by-step process to get everything you need to set your business for success and it's fun!”

Domitille Holik

Pinterest Manager

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



“This program is life-changing! It's not just about building a business and making money, it's seriously about setting the foundation for your dream life and putting the pieces together to make it happen!”

Carli Illingworth

Course Creation Expert/Agency

“I thought it was impossible to create a business that aligned all of my passions until LLB because my business is super unique. Now my business has hit 6 figures, I work 4 days a week, I travel back and forth to Europe to see my boyfriend, & have hired a team. I still use LLB material every day in my business. DO IT!”

Katie Gettys

Music Teacher Coach

Video Experts, Photographers, Interior Designers, Course Creation Experts and more!

Podcast, YouTube or Pinterest Manager

Blog/Email Writer

Business & Mindset & Fitness Coaches

SEO, Ads & Funnels


Tech VA



Admin VA



You’re craving a life of freedom where you set your own schedule, make your own rules and maybe even get to work remotely from places like Thailand or Italy. You were ready to quit your 9-5 yesterday.

You’re serious about building this business and ready to fully commit and do whatever it takes to reach your goals. This business is your priority!

You’re tired of feeling lost and overwhelmed. You want a clear roadmap of your next steps so you can stop wasting your time and energy trying to figure out what works.

You want a one-stop-shop solution so you can focus fully and stop having to puzzle piece random information, courses & opinion together

You are a growing coach or DFY service provider making $5k months or less and want to actually start building a lasting brand and sustainable business foundations

This is for you if..

Is it right for you? 

Want a quick fix or another guru’s hacks to making money easily 

Aren’t willing to do the work OR commit at least 5 hours per week towards this program and your business.

Don’t want to use social media to grow your business

Have already been landing clients for years and already making more than $5k months

Want to start a MLM or product based business and are not interested in offer online services

This is not for you if..

retiring soon

self paced course

🎉 for the first time ever...

you can now buy LLB as a

... for a limited time only!


One time payment of


2 Monthly Payments of


4 Monthly Payments of

best value

Ready to finally build the business of your dreams?

Payment options





2x payment plan

4x payment plan



Course Creation Specialist



Online Teacher Coach



Holistic Life Coach





ruthie johnson

Lifestyle & Mindset Coach

nicole malthaner

Social Media Manager


enroll now

what happens next


Here’s how it all goes down (aka what happens when you hit that button!)

What Happens Next


checkout & celebrate

Pick any investment option HERE (or via any button on this page) & then your immediate job is to celebrate! You'll receive access & details immediately in your email!


You will immediately get access to ALL the modules so you can dive in right away! No annoying dripped content holding you back - go completely at your own pace.

get immediate access & dive in


Start taking action, crafting your offers, landing clients & before you know it, your business will be thriving. Most students who take action right away are able to go full time within 90 days.

take action & celebrate

The one thing I had going for me? I knew I believed in myself more than anything and I was determined to make this my reality.
I sold everything I owned and moved to Thailand but after 6 months of stubbornly trying to figure it all out on my own I found myself stuck and overwhelmed like so many new entrepreneurs. 
After narrowing my focus to one thing and setting up my business like a real 6 figure business, everything changed. I launched my design business and made over $5k my first month. As I continued to grow I realized my true zone of genius was business and marketing and thus began my coaching business. Since then I have built a $1+ million dollar business in 2 years and have helped hundreds of women like yourself start their own business and freedom lifestyle too.

When I started this journey not that long ago, I knew I wanted to travel the world and work for myself but I had no clue how. 


meet your teacher


Tech Expert



Brand Strategist

Katie Gettys - Music Teacher Coach

I thought it was impossible to create a business that aligned all of my passions until LLB because my business is super unique. Now my business has hit 6 figures, I work 4 days a week, I travel back and forth to Europe to see my boyfriend, & have hired a team.

I still use LLB material every day in my business. DO IT!

- Alyth Kersley - Reels + IG Coach

LLB is the whole package! You'll meet an inspiring group of women who "get you" and everything you need to succeed. The work you do in LLB gives you the confidence to finally shift your mindset and see yourself as that capable woman who has all the power within to create the life of her dreams. And most importantly, Amanda gives you the step-by-step process on how to grow your business.

Like, the real deal! It frickin works! 

- Laura Cotat - Brand Strategist

Since starting LLB, I’ve secured $13,562 in sales between August and December and didn’t even launch publicly until September. I made my money back 3x! Now I’m able to travel, hired a VA and Jr Designer, and have started planning to scale.

You will 100% come out of LLB with so much value!


Social Media Manager


Website Strategist & Funnel Expert

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join later?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

Do I get access immediately? Is the material dripped?

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

Do I get access immediately? Is the material dripped?

You will get access to ALL of the course material immediately after completing your purchase. We don't drip material meaning you can dive right in and go as fast or slow as you want!

Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp was created for all online service-based entrepreneurs. We’ve worked with coaches, VAs, OBMs, social media managers, copywriters, designers–you name it! If you offer any type of online service, this is for you. We do not work with product based businesses or MLMs.

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

This is not a live group coaching program - it is a self paced course so there is no access to Amanda or any other coaches or students. But we do have some excited live offers coming soon in 2024 so stay tuned. In the mean time, it is 100% going to be worth it to do this course now on your own so that you can get your business to a consistent & thriving point!

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

We’re 100% confident that this program will get you results. If you do the work via our terms & conditions and still don’t feel like we’ve followed through on our end of the deal, we offer a money back guarantee if you meet the terms in our Refund Policy. 

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

Yup! As long as the course exists you’ll have lifetime access to all the course material, including the workbooks, templates, resources, guest masterclasses, and video modules. Building a 6-figure business takes time and we want you to be able to reference back to this material for the long haul.

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join later?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

This program is retiring & will only be offered for a very limited time more. Plus why would you want to keep putting your dreams on hold?! Before  you wait another few months, ask yourself this: when is there going to be a good time? No entrepreneur ever feels truly “ready”, but at some point you’ve got to jump anyway (hint: now is that time!). 

You bet! Send us an email at or DM us @amandakolbye. We’re here to help!

I’m 99.99999% sure this is the program for me, but I have some questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Can I join next time?

Do we get lifetime access?

Do you offer refunds?

How much access do we get to Amanda?

What type of business can you have with LLB?

When do we start?

enroll now

We thought you’d never ask 😉 Click the button below to save your spot!

Where do I sign up?

Got questions? We’ve got you covered!

It’s all possible for you too, if you decide.

Booked out and hiring a full team to scale to $10k+ months, like Danyah.

Travel and working remotely in Portugal, like Nicole.

Quitting your 9-5 and making $5-8k months, like Aleina.

Confident and clear about your path and daily actions becoming an industry leader, like Alyth.

Think about where you could be 90+ days from now, if you DO join…


Think about where you will be 4 months from now if you do NOT join LLB.

And LLB is the roadmap. 

Now is the time. 

 You have to decide you want this bad enough to take action DESPITE things not being ideal and DESPITE being afraid.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results and that’s where a lot of entrepreneurs stay stagnant - doing the same thing, thinking they are suddenly going to get different results. YOU have to take the action to create a different reality.

If you know what you currently have is NOT what you want, then you have no other option but to pursue this business to the fullest.

But life doesn’t just pause for you to change routes.

It’s normal to feel lost and overwhelmed as a new entrepreneur. It’s normal to be scared of investing. It’s normal for your life to have other things going on and it “not feel like the right time.” 

The truth is you have to make a decision. 

retiring soon

self paced course

🎉 for the first time ever...

you can now buy LLB as a

... for a limited time only!


One time payment of


2 Monthly Payments of


4 Monthly Payments of

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Ready to finally build the business of your dreams?

Payment options





2x payment plan

4x payment plan