reinvent your business to be aligned, profitable, & scalable

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A tested-and-proven process to help you reinvent your business as you scale or pivot to your next level. We help you gain clarity & build a strategic, custom 6 month step-by-step plan to grow to $10-50k+ months BUT in a way that is aligned, profitable & sustainable.

as seen in...

as seen in...

it's no wonder things feel hard right now. 

scaling is like a puzzle - you need all the pieces in order to create the big picture you want.

And yet most people do one of the following:

Stay stagnant because they feel too overwhelmed and paralyzed to figure out what to do now

Try to just do more , faster - or rather do it all - and end up feeling burned out

Focus on only one thing (ex. make one hire) and get frustrated when it's not working

There is power in pausing, slowing down, evaluating your business and goals, and then building a plan to be smarter and more effective with your resources so that all the pieces of your business can work in harmony. 


thankfully, while there is always hard work required, scaling doesn't have to mean more, when you have a

you want to scale but you literally cannot do more... 

It's the clarity you're needing right now to propel you into your next level.

This is a course AND group coaching program (for coaches and DFY/agencies) to help you get unstuck, ramp up momentum in a new direction, & build a customized 6 month step-by-step gameplan for how to scale or pivot to $10-50k/months.

so what is

we have a 4 step process to develop a custom & unstoppable gameplan





Before we can make a gameplan you need to assess your current business so that we can understand the inter-workings (and not just moving blindly full speed ahead), as well as so you have time to brainstorm and re-assess you next vision and goals.
  • Walk through my multi page audit to assess each area of business.
  • Identify your gaps & opportunities
  • Determine HOW you want to scale
  • Map out your updated vision and specific goals
  • Get your wheels turning with lots of questions to consider that we will answer in the next steps







Our 4 areas of focus to build the ultimate gameplan are: offer suite evolution, team growth, financial mastery, and a supporting marketing/sales plan. Click details to read more about each.
  • Customer journey 
  • Assess each offer from many different angles
  • Ideate new offers 
  • Look at financials and team dynamics with offers
  • Run numbers and scenarios to see what your time, lifestyle and income could look like




  • Tme & CEO audit 
  • Audit of your current team to understand their roles, effectiveness, ROI 
  • Assess how each role fits into your future vision
  • Learn hiring/training tips
  • Build org charts
  • Do a financial analysis to project you income & ROI with team scenarios




  • Fill in your new advanced income tracker
  • Understand your expenses
  • Learn about financial markers during each stage of business
  • Understand ROI of your investments/hires
  • Look at projections
  • Understand how to manage your money like a CEO




  • Discuss your new authority markers
  • Look at ways to expand your marketing strategies
  • Look at high level content ideas
  • Map out timelines for marketing sprints & sales planning/launches
  • Map out multi layers of selling








Put all our new learnings, ideas and info into one big "Gameplan Master Sheet" so that we can coordinate all the moving pieces to work together and assess the timelines for each element of business to get to the results you want.
  • Analyze timelines by taking into consideration finances, investments, team, time and more!
  • Map out both front end and back end aspects of the business from a whole picture perspective
  • Steps to focus on implement each month







Surprise! Your 6 month plan will never go exactly as planned, but you still need one to be intentional and have a direction. So additionally we want to set you up for success by teaching you how to course correct and adapt along the way.
  • Learn our self audit process
  • Understand how to assess when something isn't working
  • Learn how to tell if your approach is working via metrics and context reviews
  • Learn what data to gather to better assess your growth



why do we cover these specific things?

our unique approach

After coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs for years and evolving my own business multiple times, I can confidently say that these pieces are the corner stone to every growth phase. And actually what I personally look at myself as I grow to this day.

These steps and core focus areas will be what then dictates all the other pieces and changes in your business such as your content, sales strategies, systems, time, and lifestyle in your next growth stage.

Adding MORE clients right now will not set you up to actually scale. But these 3 things are 100% what you need to focus on as your next foundations to get where you want to be.

and then you can evolve to this...

carli illingsworth

Course Creation Expert

My biggest challenge was making decisions about where to go NEXT, who to hire, what to do, how to get more time etc. I grew fast & felt capped.

Copywriting Agency

molly nutt



I now have a lot of clarity around what my 6 month plan is for growth. This program really made me think about MY business, not some copy & paste strategy. UPDATE: Less than 6 months later I'm hitting $17-20k months.

I knew that I wanted to grow my business and my team but I wasn’t taking action because I felt pretty confused and overwhelmed at the idea of scaling.



I think the biggest thing is that I realized not only how to reach my next goal but a process to really be able to plan and implement ANY goal I set my mind to. We mapped out income levels way beyond my wildest dreams and it all feels so possible and achievable!

It all felt like a guessing game. My biggest struggle was being confident in the direction of hires I wanted to go in to develop my team.

Social Media Agency

nicole berg



I have never been more sure on what needs to happen next. The timeframe in which the program was held was probably my favorite thing about the program because I was able to laser focus on everything. It was amazing how much we were able to cover and accomplish.

I realized I was leaving money on the table & had gaps so after making some Gameplan changes, I made double the sale revenue from my next purchaser alone.


Lead Gen & Content Strategist


I was feeling super disorganised and just confused about what to do next. I feel like 2023 is going to be a big year but I just had no idea how to even start to create a plan or create goals to support my ideas, that will then help me grow my business in a big way.


I feel after the gameplan I have upgraded to a new level, a better CEO, a better boss and much more organised that I was already. I now have a clear path and gameplan and for once, I know EXACTLY what to execute and scale within my business to reach the next level. The level of support from Amanda was unmatched and I LOVED all the spreadsheets.



Listen to anita's journey

one year later

imagine how               you could be if you knew            what to do next...



Ready to have massive clarity in weeks, instead of months?

Payment options

5 recorded modules


Templates & worksheets

payment plan available

Lifetime access

enroll now

immediate access

self-paced course

Rinse & repeat process to use again & again

"BEST program in
3 years of business!"

"4x'd my business in ONE year!"

"Super CLEAR on exactly what to do!"

"Mindblowingly helpful! So much value!"

"Made my MONEY BACK on the first call!"

Carli Illingworth

Online Course Coach + Strategist

Christina Bernhard

Ads Agency Owner

no but really...

you've never seen anything like this method of planning & elevating your business before

I have a very formulaic tested and proven method with step by step systems and spreadsheets to help you work through each focus area and understand exactly how to shift and scale your offers, build 2-3 stages of your future org chart and re-structure how your team is involved, and map out what the newly evolved brand is to support all of these next level changes.

Take a look inside!

offer suite evolution


Together we will assess your overall customer journey and each offer from many different angles in order to determine what to do with it to scale, as well as financials, lifestyle and team dynamics. 

current team evaluation


We will start with a time & CEO audit as well as an audit of your current team to understand their roles, effectiveness, ROI and how they fit in your future offer balance.

team - offer financial & time analysis


Part of scaling is puzzle piecing risks, investments & hires in order to understand how to best utilize your money as a company and what are top priorities.

future team org chart


Here we will map out multiple stages of your org chart growth and match them with your future offers, hiring order, and financials to make sure they support your vision.

marketing/saleS plan


In order to hit your goals with these new offers and numbers, we need a big picture marketing & sales plan to execute on each month.

advanceD income & expenses tracker


Knowing your numbers is crucial as you scale, hire, and make BIG moves. I will show you how to track your numbers, projections, cut expenses, and see what offers and investments are making the biggest impact on your business.

6 month full scope gameplan


We cover a lot in a short amount of time so we have a summary sheet for you to put all your key milestones, goals and action steps for your growth over the next 6 months.

Course Correct Assessment 


Learn our self audit process, how to tell if your approach is working via metrics and context reviews and what data to gather to better assess your growth.

Ultimately, the gameplan process helps you build a business that is...




I'm in!

I was able to make shifts to open up my capacity and create space and ease in my business that I hadn't had before. Now I'm at the stage where I'm hiring, I feel confident about all my decisions to grow instead of just trying to stop a leak in my business's productivity. I'm still in awe that I now have a scalable business — I was so sure I was stuck, I'm so glad I surrendered and let this program "unstick" me!


Blurb Writer & Book Blurb Coach


I was making $5-7k months regularly, with a few five figure months, however, I had absolutely no idea how to scale to $10k months without completely burning out and hating my work.  — and I genuinely thought it wouldn't be possible.


The Gameplan took me to a level that I actually couldn't conceive of before!  The worksheets and exercises in every lesson were just so well thought-out, easy to follow and created genuine breakthroughs every time! The high-level conceptual work and strategising completely opened up my thinking and has helped me to streamline and restructure my business to the point where consistent $10k+ months are already on the very near horizon! 



Took 4 weeks off traveling around Egypt WHILE having her highest cash month in business of $20k+!


Dubsado Expert


Before the program, I was stuck. I had been for months. I wasn't making consistent $5k months, and I so desperately needed a strategy that suited ME and clarity around my business as far as how to live my life the way I wanted, while also making the money I wanted to make.


Not even 6 months after the program, I have made two $20k+ months, and a $12k month. I've officially made more money YTD than I did all of last year, and I'm on track for a $100k year in my 2nd year in business. I just pulled my invoice records last night, saw that, and just about cried. Haha



Listen to jess' journey

one year later

You're willing to put in the work and ready to invest into your team - you know your success is inevitable, now you just need a plan to get there

Sales & showing up marketing are NOT your biggest problem. Even if they could be improved, you've done a good job bringing in clients thus far.

You are tired and feeling burned out/capped with time and can't just DO more so you need more hands on deck ASAP & a different balance of your time/offers

You want a custom strategy to scale right now, so you can get unstuck, build momentum, and have action steps to move forward

You have already learned business foundations are making consistent $3-10k+ months, but now feel stagnant

This is for you if..

Is it right for you? 

that's me - i'm in!

You want clarity and confidence instead of continuing to guess what to do next. You want a full picture gameplan for how to scale, move forward, execute and revamp the business to hit your goals

WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SO DIFFERENT, EFFECTIVE & UNQIUE according to past gameplan students


the spreadsheets & resources

"Everything. The data, the spreadsheets, the cohort and weekly check-ins, the answers to my questions and clarity surrounding things that I was so stuck on."

"The worksheets and exercises in every lesson were just so well thought-out, easy to follow and created genuine breakthroughs everytime!"

"She has a module, template, or resource for literally anything and everything you could possibly need which is so helpful."

"I also LOVED all the spreadsheets because I felt like it helped me visualise everything."

my coaching approach

"Amanda's gift of being able to pull herself out of your situation, look past the bullshit, and give you direct answers. She gives you a roadmap to follow that just works. She's brilliant."

"I find that alot of times, coaches just talk a lot of shit/fluff and don't actually tangibly help you nor give you a unique strategy. But Amanda is THE MOST knowledgeable coach I've ever come across in this space. She's all you need and more. When she's in your corner, she's fucking there. And you feel that in every way."

"Amanda is an incredible coach. Her answer to my questions always gave me a million things to think about and tons of practical action to take — she is the reason I jumped in!"

"Amanda always over delivers! She really cares about each person in the program and making sure they understand everything, do the work, and get all their questions answered!"

"I love the no-nonsense approach Amanda has. You don't sign up to work with her if you want your handheld or be fed BS solutions that aren't applicable to your business. I also love how organized she is and getting an inside look into her own processes."

"Definitely, the support from Amanda was incredible and the depth of value she gives within every call. Amanda really went deep with us and I came from the gameplan with so many ideas and adjustments to make that I was completely missing or didn't even realise I should have in place."

the signature 5-figure-formula framework

enroll NOW

"The way the program was set up made me really think about MY business... not some copy & paste business model which I appreciate so much. We were able to see so many different ways to scale."

"I'm honestly amazed at what we were able to achieve in such a short time period. I loved the group aspect, the Slack support, and how willing she was to actually look at each our individual situations and give tailored advice. I felt so supported throughout the entire time."

 "I loved the Course-correct module. I feel like this is something that is not talked about enough when it comes to making a plan - what to do when the plan isn’t working to adapt the plan and still achieve your goals."

"Everything was amazing. It wasn't one thing or the other. It was the entire process collectively that Amanda took us through that was incredible. I loved every second of it!"

"The Slack channel was so so helpful for me! I was able to share all of my ideas with Amanda and get highly detailed feedback, including her asking all the right questions for me to map out my brand-new offer."









ariel cummings


molly nutt


just like they did!

(and in case you haven’t taken a vacation since starting your business, you can go ahead and book that in because pretty soon you'll be prepared to let the business run without you)

do hypothetical tests to ensure your growth plan is bullet proof & know how to adapt in the future

customize a 6 month plan specific to your goals, team and offers for how you will scale and what to do next

learn in depth knowledge about the 4 core areas of growth to apply right now and at every next level

audit your entire business to find the gaps + growth points and map our new goals

you will have or do the following

by the end...

Ready to have massive clarity in weeks, instead of months?

Payment options

5 recorded modules


Templates & worksheets

payment plan available

Lifetime access

enroll now

immediate access

self-paced course

Rinse & repeat process to use again & again

- Sarah Dickson - VA Mentor & OBM

Before I was honestly overworked and capped. All my offers and processes were not great and needed to be upleveled. Afterwards, I have clarity on every aspect of my business, started hiring and am on track to double my income in the next few months.

doubling my income without overworking

- Ariel Cummings - Designer

I was on a constant hamster wheel of client work. I didn't know how to take my business to the next level without duplicating myself. After The Gameplan, I was amazed at what we were able to achieve in such a short time period. I already booked 3 new clients for a new offer that we came up with and feel so clear on how to scale.

finally off the hamster wheel

- Aleina Radovan - Desginer

Before the program I was STUCK. I had no clue where to even start to scale my business. My income was capped because I had no more time in the day. I just made a huge hire for a Jr. Designer and have soooo much clarity on the steps I need to prioritize and take. This program was exactly what I needed and game me all the tools to scale.

delegating queen

claudia woodham

Course Creator & Coach

Lily & lizzie

SMM Agency

Lindsay Sacco

Market Research Expert

Emma johnson

Web Designer

...especially in a way that will allow you to
live more of your life + make more money!

it's always worth                    to have the clarity &                     of how to move forward

If you feel capped & stuck,

every penny


get started now!